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Fettle Those Finishes!

Hello, and welcome to Fettle Those Finishes!

For those of you wondering what on earth 'fettle' means, it's one of those words which can mean different things. You can be in fine fettle (good health and feeling perky), you can fettle clay before firing (less of a dialect word, more of a technical one, that) and you can sort out/mend something or get it ready.  You might 'fettle that cupboard once and for all' (give it a good sort out), you might 'fettle the tension on that sewing machine' (fix it) or you might 'give it a fettle' (get it ready). For this, I'm using the 'sort out' definition as we're going to give our project list a good sort out and hopefully get some things crossed off. Flummoxed?  I do hope not!

Fettle Those Finishes is an informal and relaxed link up party to encourage us to finish some of the things (all of the things?!) on our lists (our long, long, oh-so-very-long lists), make progress on others and encourage each other while we do it.Write your list (in whichever format works for you, there are no rules), link it up (see below for the latest link as well as previous ones, I’ll add them as we go) and then set to.There’ll be a progress link up somewhere near the halfway point of the year in early July.

The rules

Be kind. Be encouraging. Be honest.* 

*Don’t put things on your list you’d finished before the year started, there’s no fun or honour in that.

Your list can be as long or as short as you wish. Mine comprises a list (projects I’ve started, their status at the start of the year and the year they were started) and a waiting list (the things I’ve been meaning to start for years. The list is comprehensive and includes everything I’ve got under construction, the waiting list is not and may change: some things may be removed, others added. It is not a list of everything I will make or intend to make this year, but yours can be if you wish. In short, it’s your list, compile and use it as you wish. (Adding stuff to your list through the year is perfectly acceptable. As are any crafts (or otherwise) you would like to finish this year: it’s your list, do what works for you. I really do mean it when I say that those three rules up there *points* are the only ones.)

There are no prizes, just the pride of whittling down your list to something which doesn’t keep you awake at night and the sense of achievement which comes from finishing something and crossing it off a list. And also the satisfaction which comes from making progress on something, whether it’ll be finished this year or not.

If you would like a button** for your blog post, copy and paste one of the codes below (one for the small button, one for the large button) and paste it into your browser. The button should then magically appear, please shout if it doesn’t and I’ll see if I can help. 

**I’ve changed the code for these buttons so that they bring you to this page which will hopefully make it easier for anyone wanting to join in.

Small button 

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="1777" data-original-width="1777" height="200" src="" width="200" /></a></div>

Large button

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href=""><img border="0" data-original-height="1777" data-original-width="1777" height="400" src="" width="400" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div>

Previous link ups
