Mini Archie's November Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! November has turned out to be quite a productive month, which is a good job as I'd fallen a bit behind in October with my scrappy trip blocks. I finished off the last block from October (it did get finished while it was still October, but not in time to take its picture for the Furtle): Once that was done, I decided to prep the final eight blocks for the top rather than just the four for November while I was in the mood for stamping and had something to watch on telly: And I've made the four blocks for November: But, as you can see, none of them have taken themselves to the iron. In fact, the three blocks from the last post haven't done so, either. I may as well wait until I've pieced the final four blocks and press twelve at once. Won't that be fun?! I'm well on the way with the first December block and am hoping to have that finished in the next day or two, depending on how long it ...