Mini Archie's January Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! I think January 2021 has surely been the longest January since records began! However, it's meant I've got a surprising amount of stuff done since the December Furtle - I hadn't realised how much until I came to sort photos for this post because the beginning of January feels so long ago that I thought they'd been done last year. I finished the socks for Mam: Pink yarn is WYS Sarsaparilla, patterned is from Made By Penguins And knitted a pair for me, although I've technically finished these twice as the first time round I'd somehow made the feet a tad short so had to pull back the toes and add a few rounds before redoing the toe. They fit perfectly now, thank goodness. Yarn is Aqua by Made By Penguins And I cast on another two socks for me: I also cast on another sock last night but as they're for a friend and she wants a surprise (she saw the yarn when she bought it, obviously, b...