Mini Archie’s October Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something This month, I’ve sewn up the Luna Lapin jumpers knitted eleven dishcloths and knitted a pair of socks Yarn is ‘Rimjhim’ by Dusty Dimples The yarn has lovely speckles of colours, it really is beautiful. Needless to say, Mini Archie is still a bit miffed that the dishcloths aren’t blankets for him and his chums and, well… These is ours, I is merely reclaiming them *firm yet dignified face* Linking up to the October Furtle If you're linking up, please add a link (one per person, please) to your blog post, which could contain: a mosaic of all you've made in the month, something you've made/started/worked on, a goal which you'd like to achieve in the next month (and then in next month's post you can reflect on that goal and set yourself another one - I find this particularly handy if I'm in the midst of a big project and finding the making of hundreds of blocks to be interminable), anything crafty...