It's finished!!!

Please read the title in a sing-song voice 'cos that's how it sounds in my head! Last night I (finally) put the final stitch in the binding of my Stained QAL quilt. I got up this morning to take some (really bad) photos before putting it in the washer. I then went back to bed to read doze until the washer played its tune and I got up to put it in the drier. My apologies for the bad 'before washing' photos (and, now I've uploaded the 'after washing' photos, I can see that they're no better!) - I waited until it was as light as it was going to get (it's been one of those 'lights on from 9am onwards' days) but they're not brilliant mild understatement and the colours look so washed out compared to real life. Even faffing on Picmonkey didn't help but I wanted to get my 'ta da!' post in before the year was out so I haven't got time to wait for the sun to shine! I really need to find a better place in my house/gard...