Mini Archie's May Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Hello! Can you believe it's Furtling time again?! I must apologise to last month's Furtlers - I try to visit and comment on each linked post, but May got away from me. I'll try harder this time... (I did manage a mid-month blog post, but it seems that was at the expense of Furtler visiting. Something to remember for the future!) This month I finished two pairs of socks! The first, which I posted about here , were for a friend and this second pair were for her boyfriend who has, apparently, being hankering after a pair of hand knit socks for a while now. It's always harder knitting for a pair of feet which aren't available for fittings, but these apparently fit beautifully, which is a huge relief as I was worried I'd have to have them sent back for alterations! They're knitted from Opal yarn using a plain sock pattern (the one which comes free with Regia sock yarn) and I knitted the next size up from the feet they're for but kept to the foot le...