Fettle Those Finishes! End Of Year Reports

It’s time to tie up Fettle Those Finishes! 2023 and for us all to write a report about our progress this year. I’ll start us off, shall I? Here’s list I and list II and my progress report from July, plus my end of year report from 2022 . At the start of the year, I sorted out my sock knitting records and now they’re all transcribed onto a card for each person (or more than one card if a lot of socks have been knitted, I think I have three!) and the system is working very well, much better than the pile of paper I had previously. Read about the knitting record cards here Fettling Score = 1 Throughout the year, I’ve knitted twelve pairs of socks for other people (well, thirteen but one wasn’t on the list *shakes head*): Fettling Score = 13 In July, I had 60 socks-in-waiting in the sock lucky dip album (yes, it’s a thing) and I’m ending the year with 56 despite having knitted ten pairs for me, which means a few have been added in the last six months (not always by me, honest!) so ...