Mini Archie’s October Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! It’s finally woolly sock weather, hooray! And it’s almost long sleeves weather, which is my favourite type. I’ve finished the two tops I’d started last month and have been able to wear them rather than them going in my wardrobe for next summer, which is nice. Again, both are the Lou Box top (with alterations): Fabric is from Pound Fabrics but it’s out of stock Fabric is from ByGraziela I’ve also finished the socks I was knitting for a friend and they fit. Phew! Yarn is Opal Red (5180) And knitted a pair for another friend: Yarn is ‘Unicorn’ from Made By Penguins mystery skein sale In September, I drafted a long sleeve for the tops I’ve been making and I’ve made a wearable (and very warm) toile out of some sweatshirt fabric from The Cupboard Of Possibilities: And as the sleeves are fine, I can get started on these two now: Yes, I did cave and get the dachshunds in black ( from he...