Guess where I am today?

You're right, it could be anywhere so I'll tell you... Head over to Cindy's blog to read my version of The Name Game (don't forget to come back!) and welcome to anyone who has followed the link on Cindy's post and has popped over to see me - I hope you enjoy your visit! I was thrilled when Cindy asked me to take part in this feature and I'd like to say a big thank you to her for asking me! In my last post I showed you the cushion I'd received in the Brit Quilt Swap Pillow Fight but I realised later that night that I'd forgotten to tell you who my cushion was for! It was such a relief when Trudi emailed me to say she loved it - visit her blog to see the fabulous cushion she made and see some more photos of the cushion I made. Trudi, it was an honour to have you as a partner and I'm thrilled you like what I made! Last Thursday my run of good luck continued when I opened my email inbox to find an email entitled 'YOU WON!!!!!!!...