
Showing posts from May, 2022
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Mini Archie’s May Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! This month has seen a slight improvement in my arm (and I have a physio appointment for the end of next month) so I’ve not only managed a bit of knitting on the slowest socks ever, but I’ve also been doing some dressmaking.  This is how the socks look now (I’m at the heel): As I mentioned, I’ve slowly been making a very simple summer top to see if it’s possible to whip up a few for this summer. Yes, summer is virtually here but at least I’ve made a start! Since the only shop I’ve found which sells tops properly designed for tall people closed, I’ve not managed to buy any summer tops and the few I do have are well past their best. So this summer is the one where I actually make some tops rather than just plan to.  The pattern I chose from my pattern box is the Lou Box Top . (I have the old version with just a few size bands which was a gift from a friend but decided I didn’t need to buy the updated version as I
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ET Phone Home, Fettled!

Long, long (long) ago, I started a hand piecing project that I knew would be a long-term project. I had no idea just how long it would actually take. It started when I saw a blog post by Lynne of Lily’s Quilts of her new block and I fell in love with it. Her blog is undergoing some renovation, so this follow up post to the initial one is only post I can find . And on that post, I left this comment: Notice the date - such optimism! I started (not long after Lynne’s post) by making a test block (It was made into a  mini quilt in June 2015 ) I bought background fabric and furtled through my fabric boxes to find suitable prints and plains (and a lovely friend  bought me some bright tone on tone fabrics at FOQ (or maybe the first Fat Quarterly retreat?) to supplement what I had) and by April 2013, I had this: And by the start of June, I had my first block: It took me eighteen months to finish the next block (isn’t it amazing how long things take to make when you’re not working on them? It’s