
...I've remembered that Thursdays are random! I have to confess that there's not much random in my life at the moment. Or everything is so random that I no longer notice. One of the two. My first random thing is this: Sorry about the wobbly camera - I was at the ready from three min utes out so I got rather tired and couldn't hold the camera still!! Yes, my new washing machine plays a tune when it's finished the cycle. It also plays a little tune when you switch it on and another when you switch it off. It goes rather well with my telly that plays a tune when you take it off (and another when you put it on) stand-by. How long before the tune gets on my wick rather than making me smile?! I'm sure I have some more random somewhere *going off to look* Ah, yes, I knew I had some! I found this saucer (it cost £2) and the old crochet hooks in a local charity shop. I needed a saucer to put under an orchi...