Mini Archie's February Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Hello! Welcome to February's Furtle! Thank you to everyone who linked up last time (how exciting was that?!), I hope you all had a good time reading about people's furtling? This month, I have finished four things from my Finish-Along list while I was confined to my sewing room while the decorator was here and I was unable to rest: The little ipod sleeping bag from my Finish-Along list: A pair of socks: My hot water bottle cover: The Oakshott table runner on my Finish-Along list, which I quilted in the ditch (many, many ends to darn in, which was quite good as in addition to being confined to my sewing room, I had no telly and no internet - thank goodness for the radio!): And I've pieced the second LV scrappy trip block: Phew, what a month! Linking up to the February Furtle If you're linking up, please add a link (one per person, please) to your blog post, which could contain: a mosaic of all you've made in...