Mini Archie’s July Furtle Around The Blogosphere
Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! It has been a verrrrrry busy month full of projects and it’s only when I gathered together the photos for this post that I realised just how much I’d done and also why I’m so very, very tired! (I have done very little else, as Mini Archie would tell you if I let him…) Before I get to that (and yes, I have had to come back and add this in as I completely forgot to mention it, how did you know?), a mid-year progress report link up for Fettle Those Finishes is open until 17th August. I’ve written my progress report and also written a new list (thereby rewriting/ignoring the guidelines of my own linkup). The link up and progress report is here and my new list is here . We are a small but merry band and always welcome newcomers, no matter how short the list. (Mine isn’t short. It’s the opposite of short, in fact.) I finished a pair of socks for a friend that was well on the way last month but didn’t get shown