
Showing posts from July, 2022
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Mini Archie’s July Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! It has been a verrrrrry busy month full of projects and it’s only when I gathered together the photos for this post that I realised just how much I’d done and also why I’m so very, very tired! (I have done very little else, as Mini Archie would tell you if I let him…) Before I get to that (and yes, I have had to come back and add this in as I completely forgot to mention it, how did you know?), a mid-year progress report link up for Fettle Those Finishes is open until 17th August. I’ve written my progress report and also written a new list (thereby rewriting/ignoring the guidelines of my own linkup). The link up and progress report is here and my new list is here . We are a small but merry band and always welcome newcomers, no matter how short the list. (Mine isn’t short. It’s the opposite of short, in fact.)  I finished a pair of socks for a friend that was well on the way last month but didn’t get shown
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Fettle Those Finishes! Progress Reports

Hello, and welcome to Fettle Those Finishes! For those of you wondering what on earth 'fettle' means, it's one of those words which can mean different things. You can be in fine fettle (good health and feeling perky), you can fettle clay before firing (less of a dialect word, more of a technical one, that) and you can sort out/mend something or get it ready.  You might 'fettle that cupboard once and for all' (give it a good sort out), you might 'fettle the tension on that sewing machine' (fix it) or you might 'give it a fettle' (get it ready). For this, I'm using the 'sort out' definition as we're going to give our project list a good sort out and hopefully get some things crossed off. Flummoxed?  I do hope not! As promised in the post at the start of the year , this is a progress link up so you can reflect on your progress (note that that doesn’t mean just finishes, it means any and all progress on your Fettling List). I’ve also writ