It's Time To Link Up Your Quarter Four Finish-Along Finishes!
Hello, and welcome to the final finishes link up of the 2016 Finish-Along! We have made it to the end of the 2016 FAL (I can't believe it's come round so quickly!) and it's time to link up your Q4 finishes! As you know, the 2016 FAL is now global - a community of bloggers across the world are jointly hosting the FAL, and our hosts are: Debbie - A Quilter's Table - USA Jess - Elven Garden Quilts - Australia Stacey - SLO Studio - Canada Jennie - Clover & Violet - USA Helen - Archie the Wonder Dog - UK Nicky - Mrs. Sew and Sow -UK Cindy - Fluffy Sheep Quilting - Ireland Rhonda - Rhonda's Ramblings - USA Leanne - She Can Quilt - Canada I t's time to link up the projects on your 2016 Q4 FAL list that you finished. First, a huge thank you to our fantastic sponsors: Fluffy Sheep Quilting - �25 (25 Euro) gift certificate Green Fairy Quilts - $25 gift certificate Clover & Violet LLC - choice of 3