
Showing posts from January, 2023
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Mini Archie's January Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Welcome to the first Furtle of 2023! Happy New Year! And yes you’re in the right place although it does look a little different. I saw Jennie’s blog’s new look and decided mine needed an update - it was the same as when I created it in 2011 and looking a little tired. Don’t worry, though, Archie is still here *points left* Please will you let me know if you spot anything odd in the layout/design so I can fix it? And if anyone knows how I can get a ‘newer post/older post’ footer, please speak up!  Fixed it! Turns out it was there but the text was the same colour as the background so I couldn’t see it.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve started the year with a few (small) finishes in the hope that I’m starting as I mean to go on. It’ll come as no surprise that of the three things I’ve finished this month, two of them are socks. I began by finishing the pair I started just before Christmas: Yarn is WYS ‘Winter Icicle
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Fettle Those Finishes! 2023

Hello, and welcome to the second full year of Fettle Those Finishes!   The link up is for the whole year so I’ll leave it open until 28th February to give you chance to think about and assemble your list - it’s not something to rush into, is it,  although adding stuff to your list (or taking stuff off if you’ve changed your mind about a project) through the year is perfectly acceptable. Encouraged, in fact, as there’s no point in sticking with something you no longer love/need just out of habit. There’ll be a progress link up somewhere near the halfway point of the year, I’ll try to remember to mention when it’s approaching but it’ll be early July, probably just after the June Furtle . The rules Be kind. Be encouraging. Be honest.*  * Don’t put things on your list you’d finished before the year started, there’s no fun or honour in that.   Your list can be as long or as short as you wish. Mine comprises a list (projects I’ve started, their status at the start of the year and the year th