
Showing posts from July, 2023
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Mini Archie’s July Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! Gosh, this month has felt quite long but there’s been lots of rain and no ridiculously warm weather so I’ve been happy!  I finished the socks I’d started last month and this photo does not accurately depict the colour of them - Jillian’s photo of the yarn on her website is the one to look at if you’re wondering what they actually look like. Yarn is  Peacock from Mothy And The Squid And I’ve started the pair for her husband: Yarn is  Summer Lake by Mothy And The Squid I sewed up the Luna Lapin jumper after a quick demonstration from a friend and I’m pleased to say it went really well. Her two top tips were to split the yarn and just use three (of the seven) plies for sewing up and to use scrap yarn or similar (I used crochet cotton) to tie certain points together rather than using pins (and snip them open as you come to them) which made a huge difference to how easy it was and meant I didn’t get stabbed by an
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Fettle Those Finishes! Progress Reports

Hello, and welcome to the halfway point of this year’s Fettle Those Finishes! T his is a progress link up so you can reflect on your progress (note that that doesn’t mean just finishes, it means any and all progress on your Fettling List). As I did last year, I’ve written a new Fettling List for the second half of the year; I’m yet to find the perfect way to organise my list so I’ve added a table (of sorts) in the hope that I’ll be able to track additions to the list as well as things I’ve ticked off.  If you’re new to Fettling, you can absolutely join now, don’t let missing half the year put you off rolling up your sleeves, having a good furtle through your projects and deciding which you want to make progress on by the end of the year. Details of Fettle Those Finishes can be found here . My Progress Report I’ve sorted my sock knitting records so that every person now has their own card with the pattern details on the front and a list of socks I’ve knitted them on the back, and they