The Year Of Socks for Me: Scrappy Socks

The socks I started last month (and which I worried about reaching the end of the yarn before reaching the end of the toes in my last post ) are finished and ready to go on my feet! This is what I started with: The two balls on the outside left are the same yarn This is what they looked like when I finished them and turned them inside out to darn in the ends: <gulps> Yes, I got a shock at just how many there were! I didn’t want it to look obvious that I’d used four different yarns so did ten rounds of one of the two bigger balls, then five of one of the smaller, then ten of the other big ball and five of the other small ball until I hit the heel (which is the same yarn as the cuff and first ten rounds of the leg and toe as well as the first ten rounds of the instep) and then continued until I ran out of the smaller balls. I then alternated the larger balls but each time I used them, I started from the other end of the yarn to mix it up a bit (so either started with the end w...