Mini Archie’s May Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something This month, I’ve done a bit of different knitting: dishcloths and tiny faffy things! A friend sent me these balls of cotton yarn as she didn’t need them: And I turned them into dishcloths: She also sent me this little knitting kit which I thought I’d knit in the round rather than flat: Yarn is Scheepjies Catona For some reason, when I came to start, I followed the instructions and knitted it flat and then had the detested task of sewing it up. This is him with a head, legs and arms and as I said to a (different) friend, unless he’s very very cute, I will not be using the spare yarn to make him a chum. I was even more determined once I’d spent what felt like hours faffing with his ears to get them where they looked nice (and re knitted one of them as the pattern has them made identically but I felt that looked wrong so I pulled one out and knit it in the mirror image of the other one): And then he got his face an...