Mini Archie’s September Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! This month has been a satisfying sock month. I finished the enormous socks: Yarn is Summer Lake by Mothy And The Squid To show how enormous they are, I took a photo with the size six socks they were travelling with to their new home: I’ve blocked the tiny jumper pieces: And now they’re ready for the (dreaded*) sewing up: (*I’m hoping that doing three of them back to back will cure me of this dread. The sewing up of the test jumper wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was expecting so I’m hoping to continue that and cure myself.) I got a fantastic new bag from a friend in California which is the perfect sock knitting bag: Here’s what it holds with room to spare: Aren’t the fabrics wonderful? Thank you, Ramona, I adore it! And I turned this sock lucky dip item: Into these socks: I had under two grams of the multi-coloured yarn left at the end, which is very nearly almost as good as just having enough lef...