Mini Archie's September Furtle Around The Blogosphere

It's the end of September already! I know I start each Furtle post marvelling at how quickly the month has gone, but, really, where does the year go?!! I feel like I've been quite productive this month (on the can-be-done-while-sitting-on-the-settee front, at least), so let's see if that bears out, eh? There were socks : Yarn by Made By Penguins More socks were started and almost finished: Yarn by Made By Penguins (You would not believe how many photos I've taken of these socks and I still can't persuade them to come out not blurry!) And then another sock was started (because it wasn't a night for grafting but it was a night for ribbing and who am I to argue when the muse of my least favourite bit of knitting a sock comes calling?): Yarn from Made By Penguins And many LV blocks were made. Five, to be precise: That poor girl seems destined to be forever parted from her head... And the unpressed block from last mo...