An Archie update and a peek into my sewing room

Thank you so much for all your well wishes and concern about Archie, I passed them on and Archie waggled his ears in thanks! He is definitely more interested in life since my last post and has renewed his interest in people walking on 'his' pavement, etc. He's still restricted to very short walks, no stairs, etc. although he did sneak upstairs without me noticing at the weekend - he's very quiet and would make a great burglar! I'm not sure if he's walking slightly oddly on one of his hind legs or whether I'm imagining it but I'll be sure to mention my concerns to the vet next week. I was going to share my newly stitched hexies but then I decided to copy Nicky and show you my sewing room - it's not very big but I think I've used every nook and cranny! I've put numbers on some of the things and labels below as I love to know what other people keep in all their boxes and drawers... 1 = my scrap boxes (or most of them, some are sti...