Mini Archie’s April Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! Just a quick post from me today and mainly photos (or that’s the plan as I type). I finished the socks I started last month using the helical knitting technique , which I definitely love and is really easy, a rainbow ombré yarn and a solid navy (Opal Navy 9930): I had enough of the rainbow yarn left to make a second pair. Not enough for fully-striped socks so I went for striped feet: (The second foot did have to be pulled out when I got about two-thirds along as the purple just wasn’t changing shade. I took about 4g out of the ball and started again and I’m very glad I did.) Here’s their family photo: So that’s something else ticked off my Fettling List ! (Although I do seem to keep adding (little) things to it so I’m not sure it’s actually getting any shorter. Must try harder…) Speaking of adding things to the Fettling List, I’ve knitted a pair for a friend in this gorgeous zebra yarn (by Birds...