Mini Archie's June Furtle Around The Blogosphere

*rushes in* Sorry I'm late! I clean forgot that yesterday was Saturday and that I needed to sort the Furtling post and link up ready for this morning. Needless to say, I've had a stern talking to and received a very sharp prod *rubs side* This month, I have ticked another two items off my Q2 FAL list which is just as well as the end of the quarter is fast approaching (tomorrow, in fact) and up until now I'd only finished two things. On my list, I said I'd like to make two Lola pouches from an old coat of mine and a shirt from a charity shop and I hoped that they would both be the large version. I didn't quite manage that as there wasn't enough fabric without piecing bits together (there were a lot of seams in that coat), but I did manage a large one: and a small one: And even eked out a small Bloem Basket to become a travelling pouch for one of Mini Archie's chums, Mini Edward : Here they are all together: ...