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Dishcloths: Fettled!

I’ve got another tick on my Fettling List to report which has increased my Fettling Points total quite nicely. Last week, I’d made two from each ball of cotton and now I’ve made three more using the leftovers:

The bottom two are made from alternating two yarns, the top is broad stripes of each one:

I love the way the bottom two look like they’re knitted from whole balls rather than striped leftovers. 

Here they are laid out with the non-scrappy cloths on either side of them so you can see the difference between the scrappy and the non scrappy:

And here’s them all in a nice neat pile, eleven* Fettling Points all stacked together and looking, if I may say, lovely:

Sheila said that each cloth deserved its own point and I agree, so a point a cloth it is.

From this to this, with over 50,000 stitches in between:

Dishcloths from dk cotton:
Cast on 60sts on 3mm needles, knit 80 rows, cast off. 

For I, yes? I and mine chums is in need of new blankets for winter…


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