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Fettle Those Finishes! End Of Year Reports

Well, it’s that time of year. Although, as someone who went through (and then worked in) the English education system, this is completely the wrong time of year to be getting or writing an end of year report* but I’ve always thought it made sense to tie the academic year to the calendar year so I’m embracing it. 

*Fortunately, we don’t have to participate in sports day/end of year plays/school discos but there can be Toy Day and Big Toy Day if you fancy. Don’t bring anything with lots of small parts or which is very expensive or very new. You are entirely responsible for making sure you have all the correct toys and all the component parts with you at home time.

I’ve been trying to decide how to write my report and have decided that I will stick with pictures, for the main. It’s at this point that I am making a note to 2023 me not to delete photos of finished objects until I’ve written my Fettle Those Finishes Report. In this instance, tidying as you go does not make life easier. Screenshots from Instagram here we come *sighs*

Here are the links to my Fettling Lists: List I and List II plus my progress report from July

First on my list was the ever-patient ET quilt, which looked like this when I wrote my list:

And which now, after quite a bit of drama, looks like this:
Fettled post
Fettling score = 1

Next to be tackled was Summersville, which when I wrote the list was a stack of blocks and a map for where each one was going and is now a stack of numbered blocks which have been sewn into strips of three:

(It was set aside in about April as I was having trouble with my elbow and shoulder and then the pressing need for some summer tops took over.)

Fettling score = 1 

The next item has been a bit more successful, albeit not yet fettled. When I wrote my list, I had a Winterkist top and some fleece yardage which was already proving to be a bit of a sod (little did I know how much more it had planned for me, which is a good thing or I’d have made that into a huge cosy jumper and bought backing and wadding instead):

And now it’s partly quilted, the fleece is behaving *touches wood* and I have a plan for the rest of it:

Fettling score = 1 (at least it’s not going backwards!)

In July, I wrote an updated/amended list and first on it was a stack of jersey to be made into Lou Box tops:

Fettling score = 10

In that list, I expanded my waiting list as I realised that a very tight/pared down waiting list wasn’t necessarily working for me when it came to smaller projects like sock knitting. I’ve knitted sixteen pairs of socks this year:

As many were knitted before I added my sock yarn and leftovers ‘kits’ to my Fettling List, those knitted before July were removed rather than crossed out and those original photos (which are just screenshots of the album I’ve put all the individual photos into) now look like this:

Fettling score = 17

I also added all my dressmaking yardage and managed to use one of the pieces to make a wearable toile (albeit one which leaves black fluff all around my house whenever I wear it):

 And that photo now looks like this:
Fettling score = 18

Also on the waiting list was turning a standard-size hot water bottle cover into a miniature one:
and here it is:
Fettled post
Fettling score = 19

I even managed to squeeze in one last Lou Box top (which, was, admittedly, added to the waiting list in November):
Fettled post
Fettling score = 20

And that is my Fettle Those Finishes end of year report for 2022. Have I finished everything on the list? Absolutely not. Have I done more than I thought I would? Absolutely. And has the Fettling List helped me focus on what I want/need to tackle next? Definitely. Will I be fettling in 2023? Yes, and I hope you’ll join me.

I’m thinking about moving to terms or quarters next year, what do you think? Obviously, you wouldn’t have to do a round up post at the end of each session nor write a new list at the start of each one if you didn’t want to, but I wonder whether I’d prefer to have the option? Now I think about it, three months does seem like an awfully short time. Perhaps we should stick to half yearly. Or something else I haven’t thought of? 

I’m looking forward to reading your reports and hearing your thoughts about next year. Thanks for joining in, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun on my own! The link for the reports closes on 31st January so you’ve got loads to time to write it and the link for the 2023 lists will open sometime in January, depending on how long it takes me to write the post (and my list).

As ever, Mini Archie is planning to keep me on track:
It’s high time you circled back to this *hard stare* 

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  1. I love the idea of giving a score! Very motivating

  2. Happy New Year and Congrats! You've had a fantastic year. Can a fettle list include any kind of crafts or just sewing and knitting? xxx


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