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Introducing Alfie (the not so wonder dog)...

I thought I should introduce you to Alfie...he's my mam and dad's dog but he often spends the day (or night) here with me and Archie.  Unlike Archie, who carefully avoids any fabric on the floor and will tiptoe round a quilt being tacked or blocked, Alfie believes fabric on the ground is like a stage and he feels obliged to tap dance on it.  I recently needed to block a quilt on the front room carpet while Alfie was staying for an extended holiday and I had to put boxes and jars all the way round the edge to stop him dancing on it - thankfully I didn't have any friends dropping in for a cup of tea!  So, without further ado, here's Alfie (who's strong on instinct but was behind the door when brains were being given out) and one of his beloved tennis balls...

Despite his grizzled appearance he's two years younger than Archie (who's 11) and he loves nothing more than a good 'rough and tumble' play with Archie, who can think of nothing worse so this

is a common sight in my house - Alfie has given up mouthing Archie's ear in the hope of getting him to play and has settled for monitoring him for any sign of movement and Archie is stubbornly ignoring him!

That's enough of dogs, onto the stitching!  I'm afraid there isn't a great deal - it's been a busy few days - but I have managed another three hexagons.  

I'm not planning to stitch them together (that's probably a good thing, looking at the next photo!) until I start joining all the blocks as it's going to be easier to keep flat as three separate blocks.  My next hexagons are going to be a variation of the same block but make a pieced star when they're combined.  In the interests of honesty (and so that Susan doesn't feel alone!) this is the first photo I took...

I realised it was wrong as I lifted the camera but decided to take a photo anyway as it amused me - I'd concentrated on getting the points lined up in the middle but failed to notice the obvious error!

Time for me to go - I'm going out in 35 minutes and (disgracefully) am still in my dressing gown - writing this post has taken far longer than I expected!


  1. I love Alfie - bless him! Archie has to have someone looking up to him! Cute blocks - looking forward to the pinwheel one!

  2. Love Archie and Alfie, and all dogs, for that matter! Nice diamonds (?), too!

  3. I love your blog about Archie the wonderdog and your wonky cute blocks

  4. Congrats on starting a blog, have signed up as a follower now love your hexagons.

  5. fun hexies. welcome to the blogosphere!

  6. I love a blog with a doggie on it! My rottie is my assistant in sewing (and all other matter of my life actually) so I can appreciate a good dog helper. I hope that Archie is healing nicely, what a horrible experience! Good luck with your sewing and writing and I look forward to your adventures.

  7. Looking forward to another great blog. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  8. Lovely blog. Great paper pieced diamonds, the colors are my favorite ones.
    Don't miss my 1st blogiversary giveaway.

  9. have fun with your blog...I only started in Nov/10; and having a blast....I going to follow you now...would you like to return the favour; maybe???

  10. Well, Lynne twisted my arm yet again. :) And there I am up above her at Follower #11.

    Looks like this might be a fun place. Glad I came over. Hello from Chicago.

  11. Hi Helen! Just popped in from Lilysquilts and had to say hello as I am a brand new blogger too! Love tumbling blocks although it is definitely a miss the forest for the trees type of piecing as you learned firsthand! I have to finish a tumbling blocks top for a quilt I started ages ago....hmmm...maybe you will motivate me. Welcome to blogging!

  12. Hi Helen, came over from Lilysquilts to say hello and I am now your newest follower. I have only been blogging myself for a year and thought I was going to have to bribe friends and family to follow me LOL. I live in France but I am originally from the UK, where in the UK are you?. Sam and Lady say hi to Alfie and Archie. Linda xx

  13. Hi Helen! I just read about your new blog on Lily's Quilts and thought I'd say hello. I'm a new blogger and new to the UK, too. Your hexie blocks are great! I especially like the one with the pinwheels twirling inside the hexagon. I'll look forward to reading your blog. :)

    Nola from

  14. I don't seem to be able to follow you for some reason (it's not showing). Is the problem my end or your end? Jxo

  15. What a lovely blog! I love sewing combined with doggie-ness. Both Archie and Alfie look gorgeous. If Alfie was behind the door when brains were being given out, my cocker spaniel Ava was wandering aimlessly (but happily) somewhere behind him!
    Your hexies are pretty too :)

  16. I saw your link from Lily's Quilts and adore your pups and sewing projects. Looking forward to seeing more! I also have a quilting/puppy blog where I ramble... would be have to have you visit!

  17. Lovable dogs and hexies = lovely blog! I have two dogs that help me sew, knit, cook ..... I grew up in the uk but live in Norway. Have fun with your blog!

  18. great work on the hexies! came by way of Lynne's blog to say hi!

  19. Welcome to Blogworld! I have a pretty new one too, so I know how it feels. Love your dog!

  20. Yayyy, welcome to Blogland Helen :) Now I always wondered about Archie, and now I know :) Hope he's healing well. Love the pic of Alfie and Archie, they are so funny :)

  21. Welcome Helen! Hope you have loads of fun with your blog. I love the doggy stories - and of course the quilty bits to - your hexagons look great!

  22. Welcome to Blogland! Love the pups!!

  23. Hello welcome to blogworld, just popped by to say Hello and thank you for the lovely comment about my bag on Flickr :) I am now a follower so I shall await Archie's adventures and more hexies with interest :)

  24. Love your dogs, sounds like fun in your house. Congratulations in starting a new blog, you will find it will take over your life. I speak from experience. Lol

  25. Hello from Australia! Welcome to blogland.

    One piece of advice re: blogging. Set a timer and get off the computer when it rings. Visiting all the lovely ladies and their blogs will sneak time away and you'll miss out on sewing... oops! There goes my timer!

    Relax and have fun!

  26. Hi. Glad to meet you. I look forward to reading your blog.

  27. Welcome to the blogging world. I hope you take the time to stop by my blog. I am normally very active in Lynne's Flickr group but I have avoided the Hexi's like the plague!!!! I am your newest follower. I am looking forward to getting to know you better!

  28. Welcome to blogland! It's always nice to read about pets, and your Archie and Alfie sound like quite a pair. I love the pic of Alfie waiting patiently for Archie to wake up! I'm a new follower too, over here to visit from Lynne's blog! Hello from Nashville, TN!!

  29. Welcome to the blogosphere! Visiting from Lynne's link to you, but I have noticed your icon in the comments sections of some of the blogs I follow. Looks like you're getting a good number of followers already! I'll be the next one and looking forward to reading more from you! (I think you signed up for the Goodies Swap at Fluffy Sheep-- I'm in that, too!)

  30. hmmm, I don't think I would let Alfie in the house after what you just told us about his disregard for fabric! I have a similar, wool related problem with Simon the cat (who lives with me).

  31. Love the mental image of Alfie tap dancing on a quilt. Thanks for making me laugh.

  32. Ha ha I had to stare at the picture for awhile to see what was wrong!! Lol don't mind me...

  33. Found you through Lily's Quilts, sometimes I miss not having dogs anymore except for when I'm laying out blocks or sandwiching a quilt :) looking forward to hearing more from you :)

  34. Hello! Popped round from Lily's Quilts... all the very best with your blogging. Alfie sound quite a character!

  35. 2nd comment of the day: Do you remember that [American] song [from the early 70s-- I may be dating myself here: "What's it all about, Alfie?"] My parents had a dog named Alfie (before I was born) that was sadly hit by a car. But then they got Guy-- also a standard black poodle-- that I grew up with (he lived til 16) That's great that Archie and Alfie get along so well together. I've posted about our newly adopted dog, Buddy, in the last few weeks. Dogs really are man's best friend (which is why we named him "Buddy"-- he's so loyal and loving and cuddly).

  36. Lily sent me, too. Congratulations on taking the step and starting the blog!

  37. Hi
    Welcome to blogging world. I too kept dodging the blogging world. I started to blog in May. I'm liking it very much. I almost go into withdrawal if I dont get my daily fix!
    Taupo New Zealand

  38. geez girl, look at you go, you've got a whole heap of followers and comments already ! way to go .. am looking forward to hearing more, kind regards, J

  39. Saw you through LIly. I should take the plunge and start too. Good luck.

  40. Hi, welcome to to Blogging! Fantastic Hexies, I agree with you - I find hand sewing very therapeutic! ALfie is very handsome, my 6 year old daughter would sell me for a dog!


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