Summersville Saturday: Blocks 29 - 32
When I started this project in 2012, it was with the intention of it being a long-term project. One for 'sitting on the settee and watching telly with no prep required' sewing, but now I've embroidered all the blocks (although I'm behind with blogging about them), I really miss it and am going to have to start thinking about and preparing another long-term hand stitching project to replace it. I'm slowly catching up with blogging about the squares in this series of weekly posts - I do hope you're not sick to the back teeth of them! You can find the other posts in the series here: blocks 1 - 4 ; blocks 5 - 8 ; blocks 9 - 12 ; blocks 13 - 16 ; blocks 17 - 20 ; blocks 21- 24 ; blocks 25 - 28 . The squares currently measure 7" square, but will be trimmed to 6.5" square before they're pieced into the quilt top. I did this so that any ragged edges/fraying could be removed, rather than being in the seam allowance. As last week's ...