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Fresh Sewing Day - finally!

Lily's Quilts

It's my first FSD post of 2012!!!  (And we're not quite halfway through the year, it's a miracle!)


I've spent most of the month piecing my Stained blocks, trying to work out how to stretch the leftovers far enough to make the backing blocks (still not sure it's going to work!) and preparing hexies...and taking lots and lots of photos of Archie!

(And I've finally managed to upload a photo directly from Flickr!  Not that it's hard, I just haven't got round to doing it before - I think I'm going to have to give in and go 'Pro' though...)

I have a feeling there's a couple of big things going on in the UK this weekend - I just can't quite remember what they are...I'm sure it'll come back to me!

Whatever you're up to, have a brilliant weekend (and wave a flag for me!)


  1. Oh those hexies are awesome!!

  2. What a lovely mosaic! Love your stained glass....well, actually I love everything!

  3. I'm loving your hexies! We're going to a proper street party on Monday, quite a novelty for us Aussies!

  4. Really, really need to have a go at hexies, yours are lovely.
    What's going on this weekend then? Oh yeah! I'm running the Jane Tomlinson 10k on Sunday!

  5. Your hexies are gorgeous, every one of them is a little work of art, beautiful.

  6. Lovely quilts..I like the hexie one best!! Archie is just adorable. My pups have their own blog They would love to have Archie come visit them :):) hugs

  7. what a great mosiac. What colours are you short of for the backing?

  8. Lovely projects in your mosaic! I like that little red riding hood pouch!

  9. Love that thread catcher...darling!

  10. I have had a mishap with my waving arm, but thinking of you xxx

  11. H you have caught up with the rest of us!!! Di x

  12. Wooo a mosaic! Great looking stained quilt there! Loving the hexies.
    You'll remember it in the middle of the night =P

  13. Lovely mosaic! Flag waving commenced :)

  14. Oh the stained quilt is looking amazing so far!

    Loving those hexies too! What a lot of beautiful work!

  15. in all of the months of fresh sewing day, i've only managed to join in once. pitiful that i can't read a calendar, huh?

    your work for the month is gorgeous.

  16. Bravo! A post definitly worth a worthy comment, thanks.

  17. Been away . . so missed your knees up for Liz and Flip, Chaz, Camzilla, and Wills Whales, Kat and Hazza.
    No internet where I went, so nearly missed Archie!

    Loved your Thread Catcher . . you need to make a really really big one as a sausage catcher for Archie!

  18. oh, Archie! how cute is that one of him yawning? SO cute. still digging your hexies :D

  19. I love your stained quilt and the hexies, a lovely mosaic of things. I had a great time at the retreat and I do wish I could have met you too. Maybe another time, I am going to have to figure out how to come back.

  20. Stained is looking fab! Can't think what was going on, was so quiet where I was...


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