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The First Finish Of The Year!

 Care to guess what I’ve finished?! 




Did you guess socks? If so, you’re right; if not, what did you guess?

These socks are for a friend and will be the only socks I knit for someone else for at least the rest of this year and Mini Archie has his firm face on to prove it *quivers*

Yarns are “Red” and “Turquoise” from Made By Penguins

As always with Made By Penguins’ yarn, it knitted up beautifully!  

Mr Random Number Generator has chosen the yarn for the next socks and I don’t even have to do any winding as it’s leftovers from previous Made By Penguins socks:
For mine next trick, you will turn these into socks! 

That’s one thing crossed off my Fettling List and we’re not halfway through the month yet! (The advantage of not finishing a relatively small something last year is that you’re almost guaranteed an early finish if you keep working on it until it’s done.) 
