Mini Archie's October Furtle Around The Blogosphere
Hello! I don't know how the end of the month has snuck up on me so quickly, but it has! This month has been another hand piecing month, with three blocks finished (none have taken themselves to the iron) and the fourth well on its way - it should be finished by the time the month ends so I'm still on track to have all fifty-six blocks made by the end of the year. Here are the three blocks I've finished: I think I've almost finished filling the new cupboard in the sewing room (yes, it got built and yes, I love it! I can also get an awful lot more in there, which is good. I'll take pictures once I've got everything in and labelled and a map drawn to help me locate, say, the cocktail sticks!) and am mainly left with all the faffy bits which don't have a natural home. The urge to shove them all in a box and call it done is growing, but I shall stay strong. Apart from anything else, there's a certain someone looking for an excuse, any excuse, to give me a ...