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Mini Archie's November Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Archie The Wonder Dog

This month seems to have been a bit of a quiet month.  Mainly because I unexpectedly had a hat and scarf to knit just as I'd nominated my #StickyProdAlong2019 project and sworn I wouldn't start anything else until it was finished. Oops!

Here's the hat:

I love the crown on this pattern

And here's the scarf:

Both are knitted with Rowan felted tweed.  The hat is the Iced Hat pattern and the scarf is based on this project (the stitch is cartridge rib) but I made it shorter and folded one end over to create a loop for the other end to go through (59 sts, 36.25" long, fold over 4.75").  This has helped reduce the bulk and make sure that Mam doesn't have to deal with dangling or whipping scarf ends while walking Eddie.

There has been a lone LV scrappy trip block, which brings the count to 21:

Sorry about the night time photo - I didn't press it until late afternoon yesterday!

Quite a lot of progress on the penguin hot water bottle cover:

At this point, I was asking for opinions about the quilting as I didn't want to continue the echoing.  A couple of people suggested embroidering over some of the stars in the background and that's what I've done - I love how they look!

The cover just needs trimming to size (cue much dithering about exactly how big to cut the pieces. I've even measured round the hot water bottle when it's full to see how much it grows (not as much as you'd expect) and how much wiggle room there needs to be.  Watch this space to find out if I've got it right!), the bias binding made and then the front and back sewn together and the binding added.  Oh, and poppers put on.  I've not added poppers before, but a friend has lent me her equipment and box of poppers and I shall be practising on scraps before tackling the real thing.

A rope basket has also been made.  It's almost finished (just waiting for a scrap of leather to be sewn over the end), but it's already been claimed (or so he thinks...):

This Not Bed is verrrrry cosy.  We likes it. 

There has also been progress on the nine patch blocks for the Summersville quilt and all blocks are now waiting to have their third row pinned and sewn on:

I doesn't fink you is working hard enough on your Ridiculously Long FAL list...

Now, before you wander off to visit other Furtlers and/or link up your own post, please may I ask what you would like next month?  A December Furtling post or a 2019 Furtling Round Up post?  And could you start thinking about what you'd like to do next year?  Carry on? Call it quits?  Thank you!

Linking up to the November Furtle 

If you're linking up, please add a link (one per person, please) to your blog post, which could contain: a mosaic of all you've made in the month, something you've made/started/worked on, a goal which you'd like to achieve in the next month (and then in next month's post you can reflect on that goal and set yourself another one - I find this particularly handy if I'm in the midst of a big project and finding the making of hundreds of blocks to be interminable), anything crafty you'd like to share. This isn't just for sewing or quilting, but is for all crafts so if you knit, make lace, make clothes, do anything which could come under the heading of 'craft', then please link up. Please visit the link immediately before and after you and leave an encouraging comment, and more if you can manage it - we all know that comments create joy, so let's spread some around. Also, please treat all the linked posts and their authors with respect - I want this to be an inclusive space for all crafters and crafts and all are welcome. If you're not sure if you're welcome or you belong, you do - this is by no means a closed space and if you want to join, then you are most welcome. If you need help linking up, please leave a comment and I will do my best to help. Please add the Furtling button to your blog post: copy the code below and paste it into your blog post - it should then magically appear when you publish your blog post (I'll do my best to help if you have any problems) and it will help people find the Furtling page with all the details of the link up.

<p style="text-align:center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Archie The Wonder Dog" /></a></p>

To link up, go to the link at the bottom of this page and click on 'link up' (it's a blue button) and then add your link (website URL), a title (this could be your blog name but could also be something interesting to draw people to it (keep it clean!) if you prefer), and your email. This last one doesn't appear on the link (I will have access to it - I won't use it unless there's a problem and I need to contact you) so don't worry that you're about to share your email address with the world (or the handful of people who find this link), you're not! The link will remain open until 9th December; if you're seeing this post after this date, I'm afraid you can't link up to the November Furtle, but you can link next month if you like.


  1. For a quiet month, you've made lots of progress, BC! Perhaps you feel it's quiet from the lack of sockiness...? The scarf and hat have a light-but-cozy look to them, and I love the subtle colour of that yarn, and also the top of the crown where the points meet. (is it a quilter's thing as well as a knitter's thing? *sniggersnorts*)
    I do like the idea of embroidered stars on the hottie, and the mermaid tails in the LV block raised a smile.
    The NotBed for your keys is smashing, and not something I've tried myself. I wonder how MA et al would feel about it as a cozy sleeping place if I admitted that it reminds me of a hammock, and we all know who sleeps in hammocks, don't we... (p i r at e s) so he could be attracting them with such a nice one. Much better to fill it with lumpy, pointy keys! ;-)
    Yay for Summersville blocks progress *waves encouraging pompoms*

  2. Oh! Forgot--I'd quite like to carry on with a monthly round up Furtle, please-n-thank you, as long you continue hosting it, I shall participate xx

  3. I do love your penguin rather a lot! So cute! I vote for December furtle as normal, I'm happy to carry on as long as you are xx

  4. Love the penguin, so cute! You've not really been quiet with all the makes. I'd love to continue next year if you're happy to and no preference for December!

  5. The hat crown is lovely! I want to do a December Furtle with an option to include 2019 wrap-up and StickyProdAlong2019 update and maybe organize the highest priority items for 2020. I do get a little too ambitious. Reading the other comments, Hazel has an interesting point about the hammocks :-O Looking forward to the Summersville blocks since they are coming so much together. Your penguin is looking terrific!

    1. That does sound ambitious - how about a link and you decide what to put in your post? Or posts, if you're so inclined?!

  6. I think you have done quite a bit this month. The hat and scarf look lovely and the penguin is really cute.
    I am glad to see MA and co have a warm place to snuggle - you won’t turn them out of the basket, will you ....
    No matter what I do, I can’t get the link in my post ...sorry. I do enjoy seeing what others do.


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