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'Twas the night after Christmas (or thereabouts!)

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas?  I'm sorry I haven't been around much (at all!) but I've been enjoying meeting friends (some of whom I only get to see once a year), doing a little sewing and a lot of sleeping and spending time with my family.  I wasn't planning on posting for a while yet (I feel like I'm really out of the loop as I haven't really been online in over a week - I'll reply to all your lovely emails and catch up on your new posts soon, honest!  I'm really missing you all and hope you're all ok?) but I've just had a nudge from a certain someone and I decided to post my response to her recent post on the Fat Quarterly blog - if you haven't read it go and do it now and then come back, it's OK, we'll wait!
I loved Lynne's post but couldn't think of a verse to put in the comment section.  I kept thinking about it and spent far too much time a couple of nights ago messing around with this when I should have been in bed and then emailed it to Lynne who suggested I put it on my here it is!  It's a little rough round the edges but I hope you can forgive that and enjoy it!

*putting on best 'speaking in public' voice*

'Twas the night after Christmas and all round the world
Quilters were admiring fold after fold
Of glorious new fabric chosen with care
Proof that St Nicholas once had been there.

There were fat quarter bundles and charm packs galore
A mountain of needles and under it, more!
A stack of Summersville I got pre-release
And I can't wait to use my new fusible fleece.

The possibilities are endless, maybe a quilt just for me?
And I admire my stash and squeal with glee!
A pillow, a cushion and a quilt to begin
Can I sew through the night without making a din?

I'm sure my family won't mind one bit
If I wake them at midnight shouting 'Oh sh*t!'
When nothing goes right and I've stitched through my thumb
And I've sat so long my bum has gone numb.

But think of the beautiful quilts I can make
My followers will marvel and their heads they will shake
At my talent for combining different fabric lines
But I'm sure to tell them of my doubts and my whines.

For a quilter I am and a quilter I'll be
There's no hobby like it and my friends all agree.
I'll be buried in patchwork with my machine by my side
And I'll join the quilters' guild in heaven with pride.

We'll stitch through the night and won't have to worry
That the machine is so loud they can hear it in Surrey.
We'll all gather together and each exclaim with a grin
I died with the most fabric, I told you I'd win!

And because it's not a blog post without a photo of Archie, here's one I took on Christmas morning as he demanded to know when he was going to open his present (which is still under the tree - I like to eke out my presents from friends and open them on a day when it feels a little flat and as though Christmas is over...I still have six presents to open so it's not that I'm rude and haven't said 'thank you', it's that I'm saving them!  Does anyone else do this?  No?  Just me then!)

I know one of them has something for me in it - let me at it!  Please?
You can't see it but his tail was wagging so hard he knocked several tree decorations flying across the room!

He did get his hedgehog though and it lasted 20 minutes - good value for money!  This it what he did shortly after he realised he wasn't going to be allowed to open his present for a few days - it took me a moment or two to realise he was trying to be the first dog to be proficient in telekinesis...

I can't see it but I know there's something up there I'll like...

See?  I told you there was something up there!

I'll be back sometime next week for a Christmas round up and to share my new hexies.  Hopefully I'll have stitched the five I prepped last week by then!  Oh, and apologies in advance for my slow reply to any comments, I'm not sure what everyone else is like but I don't tend to spend much time on the computer over Christmas and New Year, partly because it's a busy time and I tend to be wiped out most of the time - but at least I'm shattered because I've been doing lovely things!  I will reply though, don't worry about that!

I hope you all have a lovely New Year..I don't like New Year's Eve - I've given up doing anything and tend to watch a DVD and then go to bed - boring but true!  This year I'm planning to stitch some hexies whilst watching something I've recorded (maybe the recent series of Downton Abbey that I still haven't watched?  Or the BBC production of Great Expectations that's been on this week?) and then be in bed well before midnight...unless I put Archie in the garden before midnight and then let him back in afterwards so he can be my first foot?!  Hmmm, tempting!

Happy New Year - I hope 2012 is full of good fortune, good health and happy stitching for you all!

And I almost forgot again!

Random Fact Three I can tap dance...I've been dancing since I was about seven when I joined a class with my cousin.  Obviously I don't dance much at the moment but I still love it and no, before any of you start with the jokes, I've never once fallen in the sink!

Must go, Archie is demanding some attention!!


  1. Love it! Verse 4 is my favourite... oh and the end, that made me laugh out loud :-) Well done you! But keeping your presents unwrapped? Freaky... lol Poor wee archibald... ;-)

  2. Very clever :-) happy New Year to you in advance :-) I can assure you our New Year's Eve is just as exciting as yours!

  3. Sounds like my kind of new years! Your poem is fab!

  4. I like the poem! And you caught me by surprise when I expected the word biscuit to rhyme with "I'm sure my family won't mind one bit
    " hehe

    My New Year's Eve is usually very dull!

    And yes, you're very weird leaving your presents unwrapped!! lol

  5. I love the poem. It made me laugh. I'm glad you're having good holiday fun!

  6. Love the poem! I can relate oh so well to the numb bum.
    I will be in bed by midnight! Seeing in the new year is overrated for me.

  7. Is there a poet laureate position within the modern quilt guild? Coz it would surely be yours for the taking after that magnificent effort. Clever, clever girl!!!

    P.S. that's two videos you owe me! The winners chair dance and some tap!!!

  8. Great poem, Helen! Thanks, I needed cheering up :)
    Ha ha, I don't get enough presents to leave any unwrapped and my little girl definitely would demand all to be opened!
    I've never been a fan of New Years Eve and am happy not to go out 'celebrating' these days. I'll probably be surfing the net as usual.

    Hope 2012 brings you better health and happiness xx

  9. Just wonderful, you clever girl!

  10. Excellent poem - love the last verse!
    Just about to watch the final part of Great Expectations, thoroughly recommed. Enjoy your perfect Hogmonay.x

  11. love it. You are a clever gal and hang with a good crowd.

  12. The trouble with Archie being your 'first foot' you'll have to dye him black as it it supposed to be the darkest haired person in the house!

  13. Archie's antics always make we smile. oh and your poem is good too!! Hugs

  14. I hopped over from Lynne's blog to read your poem. I was laughing out loud during the whole thing! What a great night after Christmas. I think that we all understand!!

  15. It sounds like you are having an excellent holiday, it has certainly brought out the poet in you!

  16. Tis only proper to answer in rhyme
    When you my dear friend have taken the time
    To think up a verse or two full of good cheer
    To celebrate Christmas and St Nick's reindeer!

    So here's to Lynne and Archie and Helen
    They give me a laugh and fond thoughts to dwell on
    Of fabric and thread and quilts I am thinking
    Of needles, pins, cushions and scissors for pinking!

    Oh just think of all that this year we have done!
    But eagerly I look forward to even more fun!
    For who can deny the joy of next year
    As I read of your exploits on ATWD - have no fear!

  17. OMG what a cute puppy! He reminds me of my own dog - Bella - but in opposite because she's all black. And a girl. :)

    You can see her here:

    I loved your cute poem! Very clever.

    Happy new year!

  18. Clever you! Utter brilliance! I hate to say it, but the saving the pressies for later, it's a bit wierd hun! Quiet new year here too :) clever Nicky! See you in 2012!

  19. Great poem. I lol. Archie cannot go first footing as although he might be tall and handsome he isn't dark! If I didn't have family staying then I would be tucked up in bed by midnight!

  20. It's brilliant Helen! I love them both and Archie is so cute x

  21. Hilarious post H! So glad you've had/are still having a wonderful Christmas. So you're not only a talented tap dancer but also a poet - is there no end to this girl's talents!!! Jxo

  22. Bwahaha, love the reply verse!

    Glad you've been enjoying Christmas, and spinning it out for a while seems like a great idea!

    As for Hogmanay, I'll be in doing the same as you, although I usually stay up after midnight every night anyway lol

  23. Loved your poem. Thanks for the smiles & laughs.

  24. hilarious! Such a happy little poem. :)

  25. Ah, you always make me smile. So clever, you! Archie is looking handsome as always :D

  26. Ah, you always make me smile. So clever, you! Archie is looking handsome as always :D

  27. What a great poem! Love the pictures of Archie and I'm not sure if I'm scared or impressed with your retrained present opening!!!!

  28. Love the poem. It is awesome. Can I copy it and read it to my quilt group next week? They will love it.

  29. Great poem, perfect new years eve! Lovely Archie....he'd look a chuff in a black wig come new years eve though...

  30. Very, very funny! Love that you eke out your presents to spread the joy to days when it is needed too. I would never have that sort of self control but admire it in you.

  31. Amazing poem! May I share it on the India Modern Quilt Guild page? You speak in the voice of the universal quilter :-). Wish you and Archie a very happy New Year.
    tinakatwal @ gmail . com

  32. Very clever! So glad you posted it. Bad news, though. I'm definitely dying with more fabric than you.

  33. I loved it :-) great "speaking in public" voice too :-)

  34. Funny funny Helen! Great Expectations is very beautiful to watch, dark gloomy but very beautiful. Archie lovely as always x

  35. Great poem.
    The leaving presents unwrapped is funny. The closest I get to that is helping friends string out their xmas by sending them their gift in January :)

  36. what a lovely poem! I am with you on New Years Eves, not really in to them at all. Hope you have a nice restful one

  37. I've only just found your blog, courtesy of our Lynne and am so glad. You're all proving that quilters are indeed multi-talented and very entertaining. Darn it, I also think Archie is soooo cute!

  38. Hahahaha!! Brilliant! I love it :)
    You tap dance?! fantastic, I have a pair but not done it since I was little. My son is named after Fred Astaire! Love tap.

  39. Loved the poem! Especially the verse/stanza that begins, I'm sure my family... It made me laugh. I have sewn through my finger and that was only one of the many words I said!

    I'm hoping not to do anything for New Year's either, far too hot here. Maybe just some online shopping, so I can die the winner?!

  40. Helen, that is a fantastic poem! May I print it in my guild newsletter? The January edition will be my last as editor. I'm moving up to quilt show coordinator. I'll be sure to link the poem back to your blog and will email a copy to you.
    Julia has been tap dancing to prepare for a production of Anything Goes at school. The whole cast is learning to tap and having a ball!
    Happy New Year!

  41. Great poem. I've not blogged since before Christmas. It feels like I've been out of the loop for months. It's quite nice having a break from it and the (dare I say it) making!

  42. Hahahahahaha Helen! This was great! Man I need to print this out and post it in my sewing room. I didn't think you could swear Helen... Oh and I am still loving your tidbits about you - I especially love this one. I tap dance too! I haven't done it in years though...but I did learn how to tie my shoes wearing my tap shoes. ;) Happy New Years my friend!!!

  43. Great poem, Helen! and tonight Felix and I opened the last of her presents, so you are not alone! It's just too much for a one year old...not that I'm comparing you to a one year old(!), just that presents get appreciated more if they are opened slowly! x

  44. What a brilliant poem, and oh so true!! Especially the thing about having a bit noisy machine made me laugh out loud!!
    When my time comes, i will surely want to join the heavenly guild!
    Happy and creative New Year!

  45. Lynne has talented friends. What a great response to her post. My six year old was sitting by my side as I read and he was enchanted by Archie. Indeed, this post has something for everyone. Happy New Year.

  46. Yours has been one of my absolute favourite blogs this year Helen! Thanks for such great posts and sharing your pal Archie with us!! Look forward to what you share with us in 2012!

  47. Love the poem!
    The photos of Archie are fabulous!
    Happy New Year!

  48. That poem was awesome, I look forward to the heavenly quilt guild, but I'm not sure i'd win- I better start hoarding some more!

    I'm convinced my dog thinks he is telepathic but how did Archie know the hedgehogs were up there, you should be careful as you might have a dog with X-ray vision on your hands! :)

  49. That poem was awesome, I look forward to the heavenly quilt guild, but I'm not sure i'd win- I better start hoarding some more!

    I'm convinced my dog thinks he is telepathic but how did Archie know the hedgehogs were up there, you should be careful as you might have a dog with X-ray vision on your hands! :)

  50. Brilliant poem - that really made me smile! Cheered up a grey day!!

  51. We're with you on New Year, the pressure to 'have a good time'. Anyway, hope you have a jolly good 2012! Thanks for dropping by, I'm with my soon too - it is a bit odd! E x

  52. Wonderful poem - it made me chuckle! Hope you and Archie love(d?) your presents and enjoyed New Year :)

  53. Oh my gosh, what a cute dog you have! His face is so expressive!


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