Where’s Mini Archie?
Over on Instagram, Mini Archie is posting a daily game of #WheresMiniArchie to help raise spirits and I thought the answers could go here so that people don’t accidentally see the answer before they see the game (because Instagram is daft and messes up the order people see things. Or even hides things. I’d say they do it for fun but it’s blinking annoying!). So follow the first link to see the game if you haven’t already played it, and then follow the second link to a separate blog page to find the solution if it’s driving you mad and want to give in. The answers will be available a couple of days after the game is posted. Each week, there will be a guest hider, starting on a Tuesday.
If you have a visual impairment and the game isn't accessible, please let me know as I have a close up of most days that I can email you so you don't miss out. (Please make sure I know your email!)
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P.S. I've had to activate comment moderation for older posts so if your comment doesn't appear, it's probably in my inbox awaiting my attention!
P.P.S. If you have a 'no reply' account (no blogger id/a wordpress blog/you aren't sure), please feel free to leave me a separate comment with just your email address in it (myemailaddress(at)wherever.co.uk to save any bots grabbing it), I shall add that to my address book so I can reply via email and then delete that comment. No worries if not, I shall reply within the comments!