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The house in block 43 is owned by a frustrated gardener, whose only outside space is three window boxes, so she fills them to bursting with annuals and uses blocks of colour to great effect. She'd love to move to a house with a garden (or even a back yard), but she needs to live in town and can't afford to move to a house with outside space. It doesn't stop her dreaming though, and she plans to move to a cottage in the country when she retires, which will be soon. She has her eye on the village in block 7 as they have applied for lottery funding to establish a garden on part of the village green to encourage wildlife (as well as giving the village a lovely focal point and meeting place) and the older members of the village have promised to help the school children set up a pond so they can go pond dipping; there are also rumours of a biennial open gardens event to raise funds for the church roof and ongoing village green maintenance.
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