
Showing posts from February, 2024
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Mini Archie’s February Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! This will be a quick post as I’m in the midst of a destash on Instagram  so am a little (lot) square eyed and shattered! I’ve finished two pairs of socks this month, a pink pair: Yarn is  WYS ‘Pink Flamingo’ (845) And a blue pair: Yarn is  WYS ‘Blue Lagoon’ (831) And I’ve started the next pair, a yarn I knitted up last year but which I loved so am knitting again (just for a different pair of feet): Yarn is  WYS ‘Wood Pigeon’ (864) Rose Archie’s white crocus are looking lovely, especially when (as not shown in this photo) the sun catches them: Giant crocus! Linking up to the February Furtle  If you're linking up, please add a link (one per person, please) to your blog post, which could contain: a mosaic of all you've made in the month, something you've made/started/worked on, a goal which you'd like to achieve in the next month (and then in next month's post you can reflect on that goal ...
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Pink Flamingo

Another finish has been fettled! These are the first (of three) pairs for Mam and are West Yorkshire Spinners ‘Pink Flamingo’ (845) . They’re apparently made up of three pink stripes and one white but, well, best get the magnifying glass and bright lights out to find the third pink!  Unsurprisingly enough, Mini Archie has his eye on the leftovers *sighs*  I finks I’d look spiffing wif pink feets *modest face*