Mini Archie’s August Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello! It’ll come as no surprise that August has been a sock knitting month. However, the weather is showing signs of cooling down and I’m hoping my work room revamp I will be finished soon (yes, it’s still ongoing! I’ve had to return a table which wasn’t fit for purpose and am waiting for one to be made by a local company (the same place who did The Cupboard Of Possibilities) and am hoping that might be ready soon and I can tackle the unpacking and arranging with gusto) so I might be quilting ET soon(ish) - I’d love it to be finished by the end of the year. Now, onto the socks! I finished the socks I started last month: Yarn is Lucky from Opal Then a quick nothing-to-match pair: Yarn is Aqua Ice Cream by Made By Penguins Then two (very) bright mirrored pairs, I’m calling these my lollipop lady socks: Both yarns are by Made By Penguins When I knitted the second sock of the first pair, I ...