My third quarter proposal

Ever the optimist, I've decided to put quite a few things on my list for this quarter of the FAL - many of them are small things which somehow seem to get missed in the 'spare' time I have left once I've made the month's bee blocks (once they are finished I allow myself to machine sew things other than bee blocks but until that point, I try very hard to stick to the 'if you're using the machine, you should be using it to make bee blocks' rule that I've imposed on myself. It (mostly) works!) and get passed over for other things. I think that most of my list this quarter involves machine piecing so I'm going to have to make bee blocks in the first fortnight of the month to give myself even a fighting chance!! Oh well, here goes nothing!! 1. First up (but not necessarily the first thing I'll tackle!) is the sewing machine embroidery I completed last quarter. (Or maybe it was the quarter before that!) I'm going to tu...