
Showing posts from January, 2024
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Mini Archie’s January Furtle Around The Blogosphere

Furtle (v): to have a rummage or delve into the contents of something Hello, and welcome to the first Furtle of 2024! I’ve started the year off well and have finished two pairs of socks, both of which were started last year. The first were this pair: Yarn is West Yorkshire Spinners ‘Wood Pigeon’ (864) And then I circled back to this pair, which were started before the yarn for the pair above arrived, and finished them too: Yarn is by Olann   I’m making progress with the next sock. Believe it or not, there are two different pinks in that wide stripe but I think someone either forgot to add enough dye to the medium pink or added too much to the light pink as they’re nigh on the same. If you look very closely, you can just about see a hint of there being two stripes between the dark pink and the next white stripe rather than one broad medium pink stripe: Yarn is West Yorkshire Spinners ‘Pink Flamingo’ (845)   A couple of weeks ago, I was thrilled to discover that we in the U.K. can once a
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Stop The (Wood) Pigeon!

I have my first finish of the year, hooray! To be fair, I had almost finished the first sock before the year started so just had a toe and the second sock to knit. These are West Yorkshire Spinners ‘Wood Pigeon’ (864)  and, as always with WYS yarn, have knitted up beautifully. Mini Archie has me hard at work on the next pair already: A hat? How kind. I was hoping for some socks for mine poor frozzed feets though…
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Fettle Those Finishes! 2024

Hello, and welcome to the third full year of  Fettle Those Finishes!   The link up is for the whole year so I’ll leave it open until 29th February to give you chance to think about and assemble your list - it’s not something to rush into and can take quite a while unless you’re like me and there’s a tendency to be able to copy and paste from the previous list to populate the new one and only need minor tweaks *sighs*  Adding stuff to your list (or taking things off if you’ve changed your mind about a project) through the year is perfectly acceptable. Encouraged, in fact, as there’s no point in sticking with something you no longer love/need just out of habit. Just make sure anything added is added before you finish it. There’ll be a progress link up on 1st July (which I also tend to use as an opportunity to write a new list) and I’ll remind you in the June  Furtle . The rules Be kind. Be encouraging. Be honest. Don’t put things on your list you’d finished before the list was written, t